The likelihood of experiencing fewer side effects with Tadapox Tablet can vary depending on several patient demographics. Generally, the following groups might experience fewer side effects:

Healthy Adults: Individuals in good overall health with no significant underlying conditions may experience fewer side effects compared to those with multiple health issues.

Younger Individuals: Younger patients may have a lower incidence of side effects due to better overall health and fewer comorbidities.

Those with No Concurrent Medications: Patients not taking other medications, especially those that interact with Tadapox Tablet, are less likely to experience side effects related to drug interactions.

Individuals with No History of Cardiovascular Issues: Tadapox, like many medications for erectile dysfunction, can affect cardiovascular health. Patients without a history of cardiovascular problems may have a lower risk of side effects related to heart health.

Patients with Normal Liver and Kidney Function: Since Tadapox is metabolized in the liver and excreted by the kidneys, individuals with normal liver and kidney function are less likely to experience side effects related to impaired drug metabolism or excretion.

Those Adhering to Dosage Recommendations: Patients who follow the prescribed dosage and administration guidelines are less likely to experience adverse effects compared to those who deviate from the recommendations.

Non-Smokers and Moderate Drinkers: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can increase the risk of side effects. Individuals who avoid these factors might experience fewer side effects.

It's important to consult with a healthcare provider to understand how your specific health profile might influence the risk of side effects and to receive personalized advice on managing them.